Senate Judiciary Chair Tom Umberg Responds to 2025 State of the Judiciary

(Sacramento, CA) – Senator Thomas J. Umberg (D-Santa Ana), Chair of the California Senate Judiciary Committee, issued the statement below in response to today’s State of the Judiciary.

Senator Umberg Reintroduces Substance Use Disorder Treatment Reform Measure

(Sacramento, CA) – Senator Thomas J. Umberg (D-Santa Ana) announced today that he is re-introducing legislation to enhance substance use disorder treatment facilities’ accountability and service quality across California. Senator Umberg’s Senate Bill 35 focuses on reinforcing the regulations surrounding the operation of sober living homes and substance use disorder (SUD) treatment facilities. It is a reintroduction of last year’s Senate Bill 913, which died in the Senate Appropriations Committee.

Senator Tom Umberg Introduces Neural Data Privacy Bill

(Sacramento, CA)— Earlier today, Senator Thomas J. Umberg (D-Santa Ana), Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, announced his introduction of Senate Bill 44, the Neural Data Protection Act.


(Sacramento, CA) – Senator Thomas J. Umberg (D-Santa Ana) announced the introduction of his Senate Bill 448 to address the rising problem of trespassers unlawfully occupying properties across California.

“At a time when the supply of rental housing is extremely low, I’m proud to be authoring a measure that delivers a comprehensive process for Californians, local governments, and law enforcement to tackle the issue of illegal squatting,” stated Senator Umberg, Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee. “SB 448 will help ensure that quality, affordable housing remains accessible to lawful renters, and that our communities are protected from the dangers and disruptions caused by illegal trespassing.”

Umberg Introduces Measure to Criminalize The Use of Lotteries for Voter Registration During the 2024 Election, Elon Musk offered $1 million to Voters in Swing States

(Sacramento, CA) – Senator Thomas J. Umberg (D-Santa Ana) announced the introduction of his Senate Bill 398 which criminalizes, among other things, the offer of a chance to win a lottery or similar prize-drawing contest to register to vote.

Umberg Introduces Measure to Provide Funding for Prop 36 Implementation

(Sacramento, CA) – Senator Thomas J. Umberg (D-Santa Ana) announced the introduction of his Senate Bill 38 which proposes to make drug and collaborative courts eligible for competitive grants administered by the Board of State and Community Corrections (BSCC).


(Sacramento, CA) – Senator Thomas J. Umberg (D-Santa Ana) announced today that his Young Senators Program for the 34th Senate District is now accepting applications. The goal of this program is to provide current High School Freshman, Sophomores, and Juniors with educational opportunities that foster skills in public service, empowering them as community leaders.

Bills Introduced to Stop the Puppy Mill Pipeline in California

SACRAMENTO, CA — In response to a groundbreaking multi-part investigation into the puppy market in California by the Los Angeles Times this fall, Senator Tom Umberg and Assemblymembers Steve Bennett and Marc Berman jointly introduced legislation this morning in Sacramento to curb consumer fraud and abuse in California.

Stop the Puppy Mill Pipeline: Animal Welfare Organizations and State Legislators Unveil Bills to Keep Cruelty Out of California

California has long been a leader in animal welfare, becoming the first state to prohibit the sale of puppy mill puppies in pet stores, but dishonest sellers continue to exploit consumers by posing as reputable local breeders. In reality, they import thousands of puppies from cruel, out-of-state breeding operations, deceiving buyers and perpetuating the horrific puppy mill pipeline.

Bill Introduced to Allow Local Governments and California to Have Public Financing of Elections

SACRAMENTO, CA — At a time when voters are more concerned than ever about the dominance of Big Money in politics, Senators Tom Umberg (D-Santa Ana) and Ben Allen (D- El Segundo) and Assemblymember Alex Lee (D-San Jose) have jointly introduced Senate Bill 42, to restore control to local governments and the State by allowing them to enact new options for election campaign funding.