Senator Umberg Spearheads Substance Use Disorder Treatment Reform With Senate Bill 913

(Sacramento, CA) – Senator Thomas J. Umberg (D-Santa Ana) announced today that he is introducing legislation to enhance substance use disorder treatment facilities’ accountability and service quality across California.

Senator Umberg Introduces Legislation to Protect Residents in Homeowners Associations

(Sacramento, CA) – Senator Thomas J. Umberg (D-Santa Ana) announced today that he is introducing legislation to ensure the safety and habitability of residences under the authority of homeowners associations (HOAs) via another one of his measures – Senate Bill 900.

Senator Umberg Renews Fentanyl Warning Efforts

(Sacramento, CA) – Senator Thomas J. Umberg (D-Santa Ana) announced today that he is re-introducing his Alexandra’s Law (contained in last year’s Senate Bill 44) via another one of his measures – Senate Bill 21 – currently located in the Assembly.

Senate Judiciary Chair Tom Umberg Responds to New California Supreme Court Rule

(Sacramento, CA) – Senator Thomas J. Umberg (D-Santa Ana), Chair of the California Legislature’s Senate Judiciary Committee issued the following statement today in response to the California Supreme Court’s adoption of a new rule mandating reporting of misconduct by attorneys:

Senator Tom Umberg Honors Orangewood Foundation as 2023 Nonprofit of the Year

SACRAMENTO – Last week, Senator Tom Umberg (D-Orange County), and the California State Senate, announced that the Orangewood Foundation, and Chief Executive Officer Chris Simonsen, have been honored as the 34th Senate District 2023 Nonprofit of the Year.

Bills Introduced to Allow Local Governments and California to Have Public Financing of Elections

SACRAMENTO, CA — At a time when voters are more concerned than ever about the dominance of Big Money in politics, Senator Tom Umberg (D-Santa Ana) and Assemblymember Alex Lee (D-San José) have introduced parallel bills, SB 24 and AB 270, to restore control to local governments and the State by allowing them to enact new options for election campaign funding.

Alexandra’s Law Fails in Senate Committee

(Sacramento, CA) – Senator Thomas J. Umberg (D-Santa Ana) announced today that his SB 44, jointly authored by Senator Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh (R-Yucaipa), failed passage in the Senate Public Safety Committee.

Senator Thomas J. Umberg Honors Orange County Woman of the Year

(Sacramento, CA) – Today, Senator Thomas J. Umberg (D-Santa Ana) announced that he will be honoring Samantha Maria Soto, a Dispatch Supervisor with the Orange County Fire Authority as the Woman of the Year for the 34th Senate District.

Senate Judiciary Chair Tom Umberg Responds to Stunning California Bar Report

(Sacramento, CA) – Senator Thomas J. Umberg (D-Santa Ana), Chair of the California Legislature’s Senate Judiciary Committee issued the following statement today in response to the State Bar of California’s release of reports outlining unethical conduct in the Bar’s mishandling of complaints about disgraced and disbarred attorney, Tom Girardi.

Senator Tom Umberg Named 2022 Legislator of the Year by CA Veterans Services Officers

SACRAMENTO — Last night, retired US Army Colonel, Senator Tom Umberg (D - Orange County) was awarded with the 2022 Motomu Nakasako Award for 2022 by the California Association of County Veterans Service Officers (CACVSO).