December 2020 Newsletter
I want to wish you and your family the happiest of holidays!
Over the course of an unprecedented and trying year, I hope you have found the time and manner to visit remotely with friends and loved ones, and to celebrate and share in the joys in our lives. Let us also take a moment to remember and thank our frontline healthcare workers who have sacrificed so much to protect all of us during this pandemic.
Throughout the last year, I have taken part in dozens of meetings, hearings, and events on behalf of our district, which includes supporting our local businesses impacted by the pandemic, advocating for our frontline healthcare workers, and ensuring that Orange County gets its fair share of resources. It has also been a priority of mine to recognize the efforts of local nonprofits, community leaders, and individuals in our district who have gone above and beyond to help those who are struggling in these challenging times.
In the California State Senate, we have returned for the new 2021-22 Legislative Session, and I am happy to join my colleagues in the State Capitol as we meet the huge challenges facing us all. I have already introduced several pieces of legislation that will fight for small business assistance, protect the right to vote for all registered Californians, protect consumers and enhance public safety.
It is my honor to continue serving as your voice in the California Senate. As always, do not hesitate to contact my office with requests for assistance or to share your ideas and suggestions. You can do so at (714) 558-3785, or by emailing me through my website.
Events & District Highlights with Senator Umberg
Senator Umberg’s office is engaged in many events in the community, with local government organizations and individuals.
Opportunities to participate in local events.
Senator Tom Umberg Named Chair of California State Senate Judiciary Committee
A new focus and exciting opportunities and responsibilities in Sacrament for 2021 and beyond.
Introduction of bills regarding small businesses and protecting the right to vote. Also, the introduction of resolutions to commemorate the contributions of the Vietnamese American community in California.
Some of the latest information on the COVID-19 pandemic, including available testing, information on staying safe, and the rollout of a vaccine.
Covered CA Open Enrollment Extended to Jan. 31
Find out if you are eligible for financial help from Covered California or low-cost or no-cost insurance coverage.
Food and nutritional assistance for low-income families and individuals.
If friends or family would also like to receive my newsletters, tell them they can sign up here.
Col. Thomas J. Umberg (Ret.)
Senator, 34th District
In the last several months, my office has held virtual events for the district on issues like affordable housing, elections, the 2020 Census, senior issues, small businesses, and the COVID-19 pandemic. These have been engaging and successful events, and we want you to be a part of similar informational events in 2021! Be sure to check my website for information about upcoming events, and follow me on social media:
District Highlights
The Umberg family celebrates its newest addition
Earlier this month, my wife Robin and I proudly announced the arrival of our newest granddaughter, Charlie Hope!
I was honored to administer the Oath of Office to our neighboring Senator Josh Newman. I look forward to serving with a fellow Army veteran to serve the people of Orange County and California.
Irene Sanchez is retiring after 30 years as a California Highway Patrol Communications Operator, or “dispatcher.” Throughout this year, Californians have faced many unique challenges and relied even more heavily upon our first responders, like Irene. People like her truly keep our community together, even when times appear dire. It was an honor to present her with a resolution for her service from the State Senate.
Thank you to Second Harvest Food Bank and all of the wonderful volunteers that came together to feed the hungry in our community during this time of need.
My staff joined their Thanksgiving day meal distribution to feed an estimated 29,000 people at the Honda Center in Anaheim
We presented a special Senate resolution to Frank Garcia, of the Waste Not OC Coalition, who began providing Thanksgiving meals to Orange County residents 34 years ago!
Gift of Giving 2020
My staff joined the Assistance League of Santa Ana and their Gift of Giving event on Saturday, December 15. Members and community partners provided a holiday celebration for Santa Ana Unified School district (SAUSD) students and their families.
Around the Community
Fountain Valley
Fountain Valley Community Foundation (FCVF) Volunteer Opportunities
FVCF Community Volunteers are supporting various aspects of the community related to the Covid-19 Pandemic. If you would like to become a volunteer please complete the application below.
Garden Grove
Jobs 1st Small Business Restaurant Relief
Local food and drink establishments can find some relief through the City's new JOBS 1st To-Go program, which aims to assist you with grant funding of up to $1,500 to aid your survival during the pandemic.
The application portal is open: apply.ggcity.org
Long Beach
BabyTime! At Long Beach Public Library
Join the City of Long Beach every Tuesday from 10:00am – 10:30am on Facebook for songs, bounces, and rhymes perfect for our littlest patrons. Visit https://www.facebook.com/LongBeachPublicLibrary.
City of Orange
Winter Reading Club with the City of Orange Public Library
Winter is coming and so is Orange Public Library’s Winter Reading Club for all ages. From December 1, 2020 to January 9, 2021, participants can read books and complete activities for prize entries.
To download the READsquared app, and for more information about the Winter Reading Club, please visit www.cityoforange.org/2096/Winter-Reading-Club.
Santa Ana
Free Food Distributions in Santa Ana
Free food pantries available for the public:
EVERY FRIDAY:Latino Health Access, 450 W. 4th St., 12-4 p.m.
SENIOR MEALS: Free frozen to-go meals are available for seniors at the Santa Ana Senior Center: www.santa-ana.org/parks/senior-services
OTHER FOOD RESOURCES: Find more food pantries in Santa Ana and Orange County: http://ocfoodhelp.org/orange-county-free-food-map/
Learn more about food and financial assistance, free COVID-19 testing for Santa Ana residents, and other pandemic resources: www.santa-ana.org/CARES.
Senator Tom Umberg Named Chair of California State Senate Judiciary Committee
I am proud to announce my appointment as Chair of the California Senate Judiciary Committee. As a former federal prosecutor, I will work diligently with my colleagues to protect California’s consumers and ensure access and fairness in our justice system.
2021 begins another legislative term, and we are already introducing bills to be considered during the upcoming year.
So far, I have introduced several measures regarding small businesses and protecting the right to vote. I have also introduced a series of resolutions to celebrate California’s rich diversity, and commemorate the contributions of the Vietnamese American community in our state.
Senator Umberg Announces Legislation To Waive Fees For Businesses Impacted By Stay At Home Orders
Businesses who have been forced to operate at a diminished capacity, or oftentimes shut down entirely, have compounded their sacrifices by also continuing to dutifully pay their state and local mandated operating fees. This proposed legislation, Senate Bill 49 (SB 49) would alleviate these state and local fee obligations to heavily impacted businesses.
Senator Umberg Introduces Elections Reform Measures To Protect Voters And Election Workers
The new bill package includes minimum standards for counties conducting elections in 2021, added penalties for fraudulent official vote centers, expansion of the 100 ft. buffer zone around polling places, and institutes permanent universal voting-by-mail in California.
Senator Umberg Honors Vietnamese Americans And Their Contributions To California
I introduced three Senate Resolutions to recognize the contributions of the Vietnamese American Community in California. By far, California has the largest concentration of Vietnamese Americans than any other state. This community has made, and continues to make, integral contributions in the fields of finance, technology, law, medicine, education, sports, the media, the arts, the military, and government.
If you have an idea for legislation, whether it is an update to an existing law, or new statute altogether, please reach out to my office here, or call us at (714) 558-3785.
For information on the bills I authored during the 2019-2020 legislative session, please visit: https://sd34.senate.ca.gov/legislation.
COVID-19 by the Numbers
Confirmed Cases: 1,923,887
Deaths: 22,837
Total Tested: 29,860,404
Testing Positivity: 6.34%
Orange County
Total Cases: 130,414
Daily Confirmed Cases: 2,233
Hospitalizations: 1,806
Confirmed Deaths: 1,779
COVID-19 Testing Available
If you think you may have COVID-19, the most important thing to do is to isolate yourself from others and contact your healthcare provider about testing and care. Anyone who lives or works in Orange County can now get tested for COVID-19 at the Orange County COVID-19 Testing Super Site locations. Please visit: https://occovid19.ochealthinfo.com/supersite
In addition, Santa Ana and Anaheim residents can now order an at-home, saliva-based collection test made available through a partnership between the State of California and Ambry Genetics: https://oc.care.ambrygen.com/#/dtc/landing.
For other resources, please visit my webpage.
COVID-19: Staying Safe for the Holidays
Orange County’s rate of new COVID-19 cases has never been higher and the low supply of intensive care beds among the region’s hospitals has prompted the strictest stay-at-home order since spring. If you will gather with extended family and friends from outside your immediate household, please follow these safety rules from the L.A. County Dept. of Public Health:
- Celebrate outdoors with only two other households. If you need to be indoors, this should only happen with members of your immediate household. This is particularly important since people take off their face coverings while eating and drinking, which increases the risk for COVID spread.
- Keep your visit short. The longer the duration, the greater the risk of transmission. Wear a face covering when you are around people not in your household, especially when indoors.
- Physical distancing and hand hygiene. The outdoor space should be large enough so that everyone can maintain at least a 6-foot distance from those outside their household. A place to wash hands or hand sanitizer should be available.
- Cautions about food from shared containers. As much as possible, any food or beverages at multiple family gatherings should be in single-serve containers. If not possible, food and drinks should be served by someone who sanitizes their hands frequently and wears a face covering over their nose and mouth. Self-service buffet areas are dangerous in these settings.
- Travel. The State of California has instituted travel restrictions which call for a 14-day quarantine for people coming into California after any non-essential travel out of the state or country.
- If you have symptoms of COVID-19, get tested and stay home until you find out the results.
- If you test positive for COVID-19, stay home and let close contacts know. A close contact is someone you were within 6 feet for at least 15 minutes within a 24 hour period during the infectious period.
COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution
The plan for distribution of a COVID-19 vaccine is a phased one, in which high-risk/high-priority groups receive the first, limited amounts of vaccine, and as more become available, more groups are included until there is enough vaccine to serve the entire population.
The state’s first batch of vaccines will go to local hospitals, as directed by state officials, to inoculate health care workers at high risk of infection --“Phase 1a” of a broader rollout to first immunize those who need it most --with the next phase to arrive by the end of December.
COVID-19 vaccines are supported by California’s top medical experts. Those with highest risk and potential exposure to COVID-19 will receive vaccines first, but later in 2021, more Californians will have an opportunity to get vaccinated. It’s time to end the pandemic. Keep wearing your mask. To learn more, visit: covid19.ca.gov/vaccines
Covered California: Health Insurance Open Enrollment is here
In the midst of the worst public health crisis of our lifetimes, it is essential that families continue to have access to affordable, quality health insurance. If you need health insurance coverage, now is the time to get covered with Covered California.
Head to https://coveredca.com to learn more, and enroll. Finish your application by the end of Dec. 30 for coverage starting Jan. 1. Open enrollment ends Jan. 31.
CalFresh and WiC Assistance and Resources for Families in Need
CalFresh Program
CalFresh is a California program for people with low-income who meet federal income eligibility rules and want to add to their budget to put healthy and nutritious food on the table.
Recipients of SSI/SSP benefits may be eligible for CalFresh food benefits for the first time! There is no change to the SSI/SSP monthly benefit. To learn about this policy change, see the Expansion of CalFresh to SSI Recipients Partner Flyer located here: (English) (Spanish).
For more information on how SSI recipients may apply for CalFresh food benefits, visit CalFreshFood.org.
The Orange County Health Care Agency WIC
The Orange County Health Care Agency WIC program provides supplemental food, nutrition education, breastfeeding support and help finding health care and other community services for low to moderate-income pregnant, breastfeeding and postpartum women, and infants/children up to age 5 who are at nutritional risk.
The purpose of WIC is to prevent health problems and to improve the health of program participants during critical times of growth and development.
View Video to see what WIC is about.
Download Families Grow Healthy With WIC flyer
As always, your concerns still, and always will remain my top priority. Please do not hesitate to email me through my website.
If friends or family would also like to receive my newsletters, tell them they can sign up here.
Senator, 34th Senate District