In July 2018 our firm served a relatively routine request for production of documents in a business litigation matter. After a year of gamesmanship, the motion to compel production was heard on September 2019. We are awaiting the court’s final decision. Assuming the court adopts its tentative decision, we hope to receive the few hundred documents requested in December 2019. Unfortunately, this 17-month interval between request and production is not unique or even among the most egregious examples of discovery gamesmanship — delaying litigation, tying up the courts, and straining the ability of parties to access justice in civil disputes. This abuse of discovery’s intended purpose has resulted in a system that too often favors resources over merit.
Independent voters are the fastest growing group of voters in California. Almost 30% of all registered voters have made the conscious decision to disassociate themselves from any political party. Yet, there is reason to believe that this group is even larger.
President Donald Trump has said that he will travel to Normandy, France to mark the 75th anniversary of D-Day on June 6. The beaches and battlefields of Normandy have been sanctified by the blood of those who were killed, wounded or captured. This sacred site is where the US led coalition first fought its way into France to defeat the forces of Adolf Hitler. The coalition force of Americans (including undocumented immigrants), Brits, French, Canadians, etc. was comprised of all races, religions, and sexual orientations – some who had been previously wounded and returned to the fight despite their injuries.
After reading your recent editorial, Re: "Should Sacramento toughen the rules on who may run for President?” I wanted to note that my bill, SB 505, was misrepresented. The assertion that the prescribed requirements would prevent Peace and Freedom Party candidates from appearing on a presidential primary ballot is wrong.
Senate Committee on Elections and Constitutional Amendments
As the Chair of the California Senate Committee on Elections and Constitutional Amendments, I am both disheartened and angry at President Trump’s ongoing lies about the nonexistent, massive voter fraud he claims to have occurred in California. I am equally frustrated to hear pundits and partisans depicting efforts to eliminate barriers to civic participation as somehow rigging the system to favor one political party over another.