The Legislature must ensure Prop. 36 fulfills its promise of less crime and more treatment (STU Op-Ed)
California’s Proposition 36 is a compelling story about how Californians respond when feeling unsafe and ignored by their elected representatives. It is also a near-perfect example of how Californians have repeatedly responded to crime via initiative. This started with the strict Three Strikes initiative passed in 1994, was followed by the more lenient Proposition 47 in 2014, and most recently by the more-balanced approach of Proposition 36. As fentanyl poisoning deaths exploded, news footage of smash and grabs became routine, and deodorant was shelved under lock and key – Californians again reacted strongly this November. Proposition 36 was approved in every California county and had the highest percentage of support for all ballot measures. To prove that voters meant what they said, they also unelected several progressive district attorneys. Those of us charged with the duty to keep our constituents safe now have a choice to make. We can assume that nearly 70% of voters were wrong-headed about their support of Proposition 36 or we can look to the mandate and spirit of the measure and answer the call to protect Californians.