Protect The Vote Virtual Town Hall


Join Senator Tom Umberg for a Protect the Vote Virtual Town Hall by visiting at 5:30pm on Monday, Sept. 28th where panelists will provide information to the public and answer questions about the upcoming Nov. 3 General Election. Questions may be emailed in advance of the Town Hall to Nick.Anas@Sen.Ca.Gov or submitted through the comments section during the meeting. 

Recognizing the threat COVID-19 continues to pose to public health, county elections officials will send vote-by-mail ballots for the Nov. 3, 2020 General Election to all registered voters.

Hear from:

California State Senator Tom Umberg, Chair of Senate Elections Committee

California Secretary of State Alex Padilla

Registrar of Voters for Orange County Neal Kelley

US Representative Mike Levin of California's 49th Congressional District

Thanks to to Senate Bill 423 by Senator Umberg, Californians who may need access to in-person voting opportunities – including individuals with disabilities, individuals who speak languages other than English, individuals experiencing homelessness, and others - will still have access to vote centers.